A solo anime dance inspired by seventeen year cicadas which stay in the ground for 17 years before coming out.
Premiered 2005, 10 minutes
Pupa: Kiyoko Kashiwagi
"Bon Bons From Some Emerging Choreographers"
by Jenifer Dunning, New York Times, May 7, 2005
Kiyoko Kashiwagi began the evening on a charmingly antic note in "Metamorphosis." She was transformed from a curious little dark-hooded creature with large eyeglasses and unruly limbs into a pretty but much less interesting young woman. The solo, a mix of mime, hip-hop and modern dance, was set to well-chosen music by Shuichiro Nakamura, Takeo Yamashita and Filippa Giordano, with video by Kazuhiro Soda.
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